The technical inspection report, indicates whether the building or dwelling is suitable.
The certificate of fitness can have the following results:
- Fit: If the building does not present deficiencies or only presents minor deficiencies.
- Provisionally Fit: If the building presents deficiencies classified as significant.
- Temporarily Fit: If the building presents deficiencies classified as severe or very severe, but these have been temporarily resolved through precautionary measures already implemented.
- Alternatively, it may be issued as a denial of fitness if the building presents deficiencies classified as severe or very severe without any precautionary measures implemented.
The validity of the certificate of fitness varies depending on the presence or absence of deficiencies in the dwelling or building:
- If the building does not have deficiencies or only minor deficiencies, the certificate is valid for 10 years.
- If the building has significant deficiencies, the certificate is valid for 6 years with biennial reviews.
- If the building has severe or very severe deficiencies, but temporary measures have been implemented to reduce the risk, the certificate is valid for 3 years with inspections every 12 months to verify that the implemented measures in the building are being maintained.