What is the “habitation certificate” (in Spanish: cédula de habitabilidad)?

The habitation certificate is an administrative certificate that attests that a dwelling meets the habitability conditions necessary for it to be suitable for the use and residence of individuals.

Obtaining the habitation certificate implies that the dwelling meets the minimum technical requirements for habitability, but it does not imply the legalization of the construction with regard to its suitability for use as a dwelling or compliance with urban planning regulations.

All dwellings are required to have a habitation certificate and comply with minimum requirements.

The habitation certificate is valid for 25 years for newly constructed dwellings. However, for second-hand dwellings and for newly rehabilitated dwellings, its validity is reduced to 15 years. This document is essential for contracting water, electricity, gas, and telecommunications services.

The habitation certificate includes the following information:

  • Identification details of the dwelling (address and location).
  • The usable area of the dwelling and its rooms.
  • The rooms and spaces that constitute the dwelling.
  • The maximum occupancy standards (i.e., the maximum number of people who can reside in the dwelling).
  • Identification and professional credentials of the technical person certifying the habitability.

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